Hi, I used DESeq2 to analysis read count data using LRT test.
I have read counts at transcript level and I want to conduct LRT test using multivariate GLM model. (compare full and reduced model)
But my MAplot and dispersion plot do not look like typical plots in the manual. Also the histogram of raw p value have a high peak on 1.
Does it indicate a problem of model fitting? Do I need to discard the low-count transcript first? I'm now using the default independent filtering in DESeq2.
Also how "good" do the MAplot and dispersion plot need to be, in order to claim a properly fitted model?
Or should I use other package to do multivariate GLM?
I agree with Ryan, we need more information to help you.
In particular, check out this guide in the DESeq2 vignette for what kind of information to include in a support site post: