I am using WGCNA to build coexpression interaction network using lncRNA and mRNA consist of 62K probes so I used a sever which is command based with 64 GB RAM and blockwise module =8000 approach to calculate the modules and netwro.Rdata file.
Now I want to export this network.Rata file to cytoscape and visnet using the WGCNA tutrioal method it says that I have to calculate TOM again ? i dont know about this can i skip this step .or is it nesscary and when I do TOM i get this for long time
> TOM=TOMsimilarityFromExpr(datExpr0, power =6);
TOM calculation: adjacency..
adjacency: replaceMissing: 0
..will use 23 parallel threads.
Fraction of slow calculations: 0.000000
..matrix multiplication..
and not improvement
can any body help me what is this and what is the simplest way to converting newtwork.Rdata file into cyctoscape exportable file