Can you please help me solve this issue?
I am flummoxed.
I have ran DESeq2 and have my count matrix and now want to rlogTransform to visualise the data on a PCA.
However I get the following error after simply trying to r transform the deseqReadsCount.
Code below, any help greatly appreciated!
ddsMF = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = colData, design = ~ type + condition)
## the formula of "design" defines the interested factor is "condition"
ddsMF$condition = relevel(ddsMF$condition, ref="72E8")
size_factors = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(normFactor.E8.72.E6.72)
sizeFactors(ddsMF) = size_factors
ddsMF <- DESeq(ddsMF,betaPrior = TRUE) ###added betPrior = true as suggested by Daniel gaffney
deseqResultMF <- results(ddsMF)
res <- results( ddsMF )
plotMA( res, ylim = c(-3, 3) )
write.csv( as.data.frame(res), file="Nottingham Combined_E8 72 E6 72_DESeq2results.csv" )
deseqNormFactor = sizeFactors(ddsMF) ### get DESeq2 normalize factors
deseqReadsCount = counts(ddsMF, normalized=T) ### get DESeq2 normalized reads counts
rld <- rlogTransformation(deseqReadsCount, blind=TRUE)
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘sizeFactors’ for signature ‘"matrix"’