Illumina has released a new annotation file for the EPIC array, the new one is version 1.0b2. Manifest and annotation packages have been updated, see
(Annotation packages are under review at Bioconductor).
Because of a name change in the annotation file, version 1.17.9 or better of minfi is required for full, easy support. This version ought to propagate through the Bioconductor build system soon. Read IDAT files using read.metharray.exp().
If I already have a list of CpGs with p-values etc, how do I merge this list to the EPIC annotation? For 450K data, I did this by using ChAMP and probe.features, but the EPIC probe.features object entails only chromosome and mapinfo, no information on gene, gene feature (like TSS; exon, intergenic) and CpG island. Is there a way to get this information?
probe.features is something ChAMP specific, so I can't help you there.
You can get the full annotation object from EPIC by doing something like
where XX might be you original RGset of Mset or whatever you have. Then
you can merge based on CpG names.
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 9:39 AM, line.heylen [bioc] <> wrote:
> Activity on a post you are following on
> User line.heylen <https:"" u="" 10822=""/> wrote Comment:
> support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi
> <https:"" p="" 79876="" #83344="">:
> Dear Kasper,
> If I already have a list of CpGs with p-values etc, how do I merge this
> list to the EPIC annotation? For 450K data, I did this by using ChAMP and
> probe.features, but the EPIC probe.features object entails only chromosome
> and mapinfo, no information on gene, gene feature (like TSS; exon,
> intergenic) and CpG island. Is there a way to get this information?
> Thank you for your help.
> Kind regards,
> Line
> ------------------------------
> Post tags: minfi
> You may reply via email or visit
> C: support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi
I downloaded the new EPIC annotation package at Bioconductor (biocLite("IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19")) but do not know how to extract the annotation from this data to a dataframe consisting of a column of CpGs with columns like p-values and T statistic; and I getting strange errors since (such as: lazy-load database '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/minfi/help/minfi.rdb' is corrupt).
I'm trying to merge the data of 3 datasets of individuals, all of them analyzed by Illumina Methylation EPIC arrays (i.e: arrayEPIC1, arrayEPIC2, arrayEPIC3). I've done the normalization of each array separately, I've filtered them by many available package filters and then I've converted each into 3 Methylsets. I want to analyze all individuals (different in the 3 arrays) from the arrays together so I have to merge the 3 Methylsets by the rownames (features) present in all Methylsets. I'm trying to do it with the combine() or combineArrays() function but there are some probes that are not present in all Methylsets so the number of features differs between datasets and an error message appears. In addition, I've different individuals in each Methylset (non conforming colnames) so I want to merge all individuals by the post filtering coincident probes.
I would be very grateful if you can help me with this issue.
Could you copy and paste code + error.
(Sent from my phone.)
> On Feb 22, 2017, at 12:05, paularl3773 [bioc] <> wrote:
> Activity on a post you are following on
> User paularl3773 wrote Comment: support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi:
> Dear Kasper,
> I'm trying to merge the data of 3 datasets of individuals, all of them analyzed by Illumina Methylation EPIC arrays (i.e: arrayEPIC1, arrayEPIC2, arrayEPIC3). I've done the normalization of each array separately, I've filtered them by many available package filters and then I've converted each into 3 Methylsets. I want to analyze all individuals (different in the 3 arrays) from the arrays together so I have to merge the 3 Methylsets by the rownames (features) present in all Methylsets. I'm trying to do it with the combine() or combineArrays() function but there are some probes that are not present in all Methylsets so the number of features differs between datasets and an error message appears. In addition, I've different individuals in each Methylset (non conforming colnames) so I want to merge all individuals by the post filtering coincident probes.
> I would be very grateful if you can help me with this issue.
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Paula
> Post tags: minfi
> You may reply via email or visit C: support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi
Is the getNBeads function still active in minfi? I'm trying to process some EPIC arrays and establish how many probes are represented by less than 3 beads? Any advice appreciated.
Yes it is. What version of minfi are you using?
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 5:23 AM, r.clifford [bioc] <> wrote:
> Activity on a post you are following on
> User r.clifford <https:"" u="" 12781=""/> wrote Comment:
> support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi
> <https:"" p="" 79876="" #97575="">:
> Dear Kasper
> Is the getNBeads function still active in minfi? I'm trying to process
> some EPIC arrays and establish how many probes are represented by less than
> 3 beads? Any advice appreciated.
> All the best
> Rachel
> ------------------------------
> Post tags: minfi
> You may reply via email or visit https://support.bioconductor.
> org/p/79876/#97575
The latest stable version is 1.22.1. You should update R and Bioconductor.
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 3:55 AM, r.clifford [bioc] <> wrote:
> Activity on a post you are following on
> User r.clifford <https:"" u="" 12781=""/> wrote Comment:
> support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi
> <https:"" p="" 79876="" #97623="">:
> Hi Kasper. Thanks for your reply. I'm using version 1.20.2.
> All the best
> Rachel
> ------------------------------
> Post tags: minfi
> You may reply via email or visit https://support.bioconductor.
> org/p/79876/#97623
I downloaded the new EPIC annotation package at Bioconductor (biocLite("IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19")) but do not know how to extract the annotation from this data to a dataframe consisting of a column of CpGs with columns like p-values and T statistic; and I getting strange errors since (such as: lazy-load database '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/minfi/help/minfi.rdb' is corrupt).
The errors sounds weird. Perhaps reinstall?
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 1:49 PM, line.heylen [bioc] <> wrote:
> Activity on a post you are following on
> User line.heylen <https:"" u="" 10822=""/> wrote Answer:
> support for EPIC methylation arrays in minfi
> <https:"" p="" 79876="" #85950="">:
> Hi Kasper,
> I downloaded the new EPIC annotation package at Bioconductor (biocLite("
> IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19")) but do not know how to
> extract the annotation from this data to a dataframe consisting of a
> column of CpGs with columns like p-values and T statistic; and I getting
> strange errors since (such as: lazy-load database '/Library/Frameworks/R.
> framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/minfi/help/minfi.rdb' is
> corrupt).
> Thank you for your help.
> Best,
> Line
> ------------------------------
> Post tags: minfi
> You may reply via email or visit https://support.bioconductor.
> org/p/79876/#85950
Dear Kasper,
If I already have a list of CpGs with p-values etc, how do I merge this list to the EPIC annotation? For 450K data, I did this by using ChAMP and probe.features, but the EPIC probe.features object entails only chromosome and mapinfo, no information on gene, gene feature (like TSS; exon, intergenic) and CpG island. Is there a way to get this information?
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi Kasper,
I downloaded the new EPIC annotation package at Bioconductor (biocLite("IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19")) but do not know how to extract the annotation from this data to a dataframe consisting of a column of CpGs with columns like p-values and T statistic; and I getting strange errors since (such as: lazy-load database '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/minfi/help/minfi.rdb' is corrupt).
Thank you for your help.
Dear Kasper,
I'm trying to merge the data of 3 datasets of individuals, all of them analyzed by Illumina Methylation EPIC arrays (i.e: arrayEPIC1, arrayEPIC2, arrayEPIC3). I've done the normalization of each array separately, I've filtered them by many available package filters and then I've converted each into 3 Methylsets. I want to analyze all individuals (different in the 3 arrays) from the arrays together so I have to merge the 3 Methylsets by the rownames (features) present in all Methylsets. I'm trying to do it with the combine() or combineArrays() function but there are some probes that are not present in all Methylsets so the number of features differs between datasets and an error message appears. In addition, I've different individuals in each Methylset (non conforming colnames) so I want to merge all individuals by the post filtering coincident probes.
I would be very grateful if you can help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Hi Kasper,
I've solved the problem!
Many thanks for your quick answer!
Kind regards,
Dear Kasper
Is the getNBeads function still active in minfi? I'm trying to process some EPIC arrays and establish how many probes are represented by less than 3 beads? Any advice appreciated.
All the best
Hi Kasper. Thanks for your reply. I'm using version 1.20.2.
All the best
Got it! Super, thank you.