Please can I check my experimental design? I want to be sure it is appropriate for my data/questions. I am also confused that some apparently quite large differences between groups are not statistically significant.
I have 96 samples in total: 48 samples from baseline and 48 samples at 1 month, from the same (paired) individuals. Of the 48 samples taken at baseline, all 48 were given surgery, then 24 received a drug (group A) and 24 received placebo (group B) (I actually don't know which is the drug and which is the placebo group, but in order to explain I will pretend these are the groups). At 1 month, 12/24 people in group A had outcome 0, and 12/24 of group A had outcome 1. Likewise in group B, 12/24 had outcome 0 and 12/24 had outcome 1.
I want to understand gene expression changes following surgery (ie from baseline to 1 month) in groups A versus B, in outcomes 0 versus 1, and in A_0 versus A_1, B_0 versus B_1.
I have used the post here (DESeq2 design confusion with three factors) and this part of the vignette (http://master.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/DESeq2/inst/doc/DESeq2.html#nested-indiv) as a guide for my design. I have a minimum of 12 in each group, so I think that is enough to combine the drug group and outcome factors in order to compare A_0 v A_1. So I did three separate analyses: one for A v B, one for 0 v 1, and another for comparisons between the four subgroups (A_0, A_1, B_0, B_1).
To compare A_0 v A_1 and B_0 v B_1, I have combined group and outcome into a single variable (A_0, A_1, B_0, B_1) = "grp". I have added a column called "ind.n" to control for the effect of group being a linear combination of the individuals (I added this column to my sample table, however I have since tried adding it to the dds and reassigning the matrix design and it made no difference to the results). I have the following sample table:
> sampleTable
grp id cnd ind.n
1 A_0 DT0317 T0 1
2 A_0 DT0351 T0 2
3 A_0 DT0381 T0 3
4 A_0 DT0386 T0 4
5 A_0 DT0456 T0 5
6 A_0 DT0496 T0 6
7 A_0 DT0540 T0 7
8 A_0 DT0586 T0 8
9 A_0 DT0703 T0 9
10 A_0 DT0817 T0 10
11 A_0 DT0890 T0 11
12 A_0 DT0960 T0 12
13 A_0 DT0317 T1 1
14 A_0 DT0351 T1 2
15 A_0 DT0381 T1 3
16 A_0 DT0386 T1 4
17 A_0 DT0456 T1 5
18 A_0 DT0496 T1 6
19 A_0 DT0540 T1 7
20 A_0 DT0586 T1 8
21 A_0 DT0703 T1 9
22 A_0 DT0817 T1 10
23 A_0 DT0890 T1 11
24 A_0 DT0960 T1 12
25 A_1 DT0116 T0 1
26 A_1 DT0134 T0 2
27 A_1 DT0157 T0 3
28 A_1 DT0161 T0 4
29 A_1 DT0183 T0 5
30 A_1 DT0190 T0 6
31 A_1 DT0200 T0 7
32 A_1 DT0216 T0 8
33 A_1 DT0335 T0 9
34 A_1 DT0403 T0 10
35 A_1 DT0443 T0 11
36 A_1 DT0452 T0 12
37 A_1 DT0116 T1 1
38 A_1 DT0134 T1 2
39 A_1 DT0161 T1 3
40 A_1 DT0157 T1 4
41 A_1 DT0183 T1 5
42 A_1 DT0190 T1 6
43 A_1 DT0216 T1 7
44 A_1 DT0200 T1 8
45 A_1 DT0335 T1 9
46 A_1 DT0403 T1 10
47 A_1 DT0443 T1 11
48 A_1 DT0452 T1 12
49 B_0 DT0016 T0 1
50 B_0 DT0133 T0 2
51 B_0 DT0318 T0 3
52 B_0 DT0326 T0 4
53 B_0 DT0374 T0 5
54 B_0 DT0405 T0 6
55 B_0 DT0549 T0 7
56 B_0 DT0613 T0 8
57 B_0 DT0625 T0 9
58 B_0 DT0646 T0 10
59 B_0 DT0670 T0 11
60 B_0 DT0987 T0 12
61 B_0 DT0016 T1 1
62 B_0 DT0133 T1 2
63 B_0 DT0318 T1 3
64 B_0 DT0326 T1 4
65 B_0 DT0374 T1 5
66 B_0 DT0405 T1 6
67 B_0 DT0549 T1 7
68 B_0 DT0613 T1 8
69 B_0 DT0625 T1 9
70 B_0 DT0646 T1 10
71 B_0 DT0670 T1 11
72 B_0 DT0987 T1 12
73 B_1 DT0096 T0 1
74 B_1 DT0165 T0 2
75 B_1 DT0184 T0 3
76 B_1 DT0281 T0 4
77 B_1 DT0310 T0 5
78 B_1 DT0370 T0 6
79 B_1 DT0465 T0 7
80 B_1 DT0609 T0 8
81 B_1 DT0689 T0 9
82 B_1 DT0733 T0 10
83 B_1 DT0759 T0 11
84 B_1 DT0962 T0 12
85 B_1 DT0096 T1 1
86 B_1 DT0165 T1 2
87 B_1 DT0184 T1 3
88 B_1 DT0281 T1 4
89 B_1 DT0310 T1 5
90 B_1 DT0370 T1 6
91 B_1 DT0465 T1 7
92 B_1 DT0609 T1 8
93 B_1 DT0689 T1 9
94 B_1 DT0733 T1 10
95 B_1 DT0759 T1 11
96 B_1 DT0962 T1 12
I have the following design:
> ddsHTSeq <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = sampleTable, directory = directory, design= ~ grp + grp:ind.n + grp:cnd)
Then I can get the expression changes over time for each group:
> res <- results(dds, name="grpA_0.cndT1")
> res <- results(dds, name="grpA_1.cndT1")
> res <- results(dds, name="grpB_0.cndT1")
> res <- results(dds, name="grpB_1.cndT1")
And compare the expression changes over time between groups:
> res<-results(dds, contrast=list("grpA_0.cndT1","grpA_1.cndT1"))
> res<-results(dds, contrast=list("grpB_0.cndT1","grpB_1.cndT1"))
Is this experimental design and the application of "ind.n" appropriate for my analysis? I have followed the same approach for comparisons of grp = A or B, and 0 or 1 by repeating the analyses (with 24 samples in each group).
In the results for "grpA_0.cndT1" I get 328 genes with Padj<0.05 and logFC> +/- 0.32 (equivalent to a FC of 1.25). For "grpA_1.cndT1" I get 1283 genes significant by these same parameters. However when I contrast the two, there are no significantly differentially expressed genes (the lowest Padj is 0.1). To take one gene as an example, IL11, in group A_0 it has a log2FC of 5.75 and Padj of 4.86E-4, and in group A_1 it has a log2FC of 9.52 and a Padj of 2.77E-11. BaseMean is 140.99. In the contrast of A_0 v A_1, IL11 has a log2FC of -3.77 and Padj=0.57. Perhaps there is a lot of variation/dispersion within these groups and that is why the difference in expression of IL11 between A_0 and A_1 is not statistically significant. But given the differences in the numbers of DE genes (328 and 1283), I am a little surprised/disappointed there are no significant differences in the contrast.
Hence I want to double check that my experimental design is correct for my data/questions, to verify that these results are real and not a result of an error in my design. I would be really grateful if you are able to help me.
Many thanks
> sessionInfo()
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