I’ve a question regarding lfcShrink coef option. I've read that it is better to use the option “coef” rather than “contrast”. However, I have a case where the resultsNames(dds) does not contain the desired contrast coefficient.
For example (the names of the groups have changed for clarity. This can result in different coefficients list):
> table(colData(dds)$group) A B C D E F G 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 > resultsNames(dds) [1] "Intercept" "group_B_vs_A" "group_C_vs_A" [4] "group_D_vs_A" "group_E_vs_A" "group_F_vs_A" [7] "group_G_vs_A"
The coefficient in which I was interested to “shrink” was group_F_vs_G
What should be done in that case? Should the “contrast” option be used instead or a linear combination of coefficient?
Thanks in advance.