I aligned my PE reads using STAR and I used the GeneCounts option to get a count matrix. I would like to use this count matrix with DESeq2, however, I'm having trouble formatting STAR's gene count into a count matrix that is recognized and works with DESeq2. Does anyone have any tips/ideas how I should be importing/formating this matrix into DESeq2?
You can also have a look at featureCounts (http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/featureCounts/). It needs a gtf as annotation input, the bam files. You can run it in pe or se. It's pretty nice and produces a table with samples as columns and genes as rows.
DESeq2 has a pretty comprehensive vignette that you could peruse, which includes an example of what the count matrix should look like. I would take a look there first. Also, unless you tell us what you have tried, and what your counts matrix looks like, it's very difficult to give any advice.
You can also have a look at featureCounts (http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/featureCounts/). It needs a gtf as annotation input, the bam files. You can run it in pe or se. It's pretty nice and produces a table with samples as columns and genes as rows.