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Hi Dears
I would like to ask if there is a possibility to use "WGCNA" to visualize the co-expression network, gene modules, connectivity, and Hub genes present only on the top right block of the correlation matrix? My objective to detect the possible correlations among genes of two tissues of the same subjects. Below showed my data type and the block of the correlation matrix I would like to work on. Thanks!
matr <- matrix(rnorm(250), nrow = 50)
rownames(matr) <- paste0("g_",1:50) ## genes
colnames(matr) <- LETTERS[1:5] ## samples
matr2 <- matrix(rnorm(250), nrow = 50)
rownames(matr2) <- paste0("ge_",1:50) ## genes
colnames(matr2) <- LETTERS[1:5] ## samples
test = Hmisc::rcorr(t(rbind(matr,matr2)))
n = nrow(matr2)
final <- test$r[1:n, (n+1):(2*n)]
sessionInfo( )
Potential cross-post: https://www.biostars.org/p/471736/