I'm trying to create a design matrix using edgeR or DESeq2. I have a time course experiment with includes different does of a drug and different cell lines. For each cell line, I'd like to get DEGs for treated vs untreated but I am unsure of how to do this while taking the dose and time into account.
This is the metadata:
cell_line drug dose time
A untreated 0 0
A treated 1 2
A treated 1 6
A treated 1 24
A treated 1 48
A treated 3 2
A treated 3 6
A treated 3 24
A treated 3 48
B untreated 0 0
B treated 1 2
B treated 1 6
B treated 1 24
B treated 1 48
B treated 3 2
B treated 3 6
B treated 3 24
B treated 3 48
Cross-posted on Biostars: https://www.biostars.org/p/484823/