DESeq2 results change dramatically after scaling + centering of numeric variable
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Last seen 4 months ago

To adjust for the data quality, I added the numerical variable percent_mapped to my model:

design = ~ variable_of_interest + percent_mapped
dds = DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(gse, design)

During building of the DESeqDataSet object I got the following warning:

the design formula contains one or more numeric variables that have mean or standard deviation larger than 5 (an arbitrary threshold to trigger this message). it is generally a good idea to center and scale numeric variables in the design to improve GLM convergence.

Since variable_of_interest is categorical, this warning came up because of percent_mapped. The mean of percent_mapped is 91.44303 (standard deviation = 1.369892).

I performed the differential expression analysis (a) without and (b) with scaling + centering and (c) excluding the percent_mapped variable. Code I used for centering and scaling:

colData(gse)$percent_mapped = scale(colData(gse)$percent_mapped, center=TRUE)

Differential expression analysis:

dds = DESeq(dds, parallel = TRUE)
res = results(dds, contrast = c(variable_of_interest , group1, group2), alpha = 0.05, parallel = TRUE)

For my gene of interest, I got results which are greatly differing between (a) without scaling and (b) + (c) with scaling/centering or by exluding percent_mapped:

(a) baseMean: 1058.808 log2FoldChange: 1.550588 lfcSE: 3.630939 stat: 0.4270487 pvalue: 0.6693438 padj: 0.8398124

(b) baseMean: 1058.808 log2FoldChange: 2.579453 lfcSE: 0.4652964 stat: 5.543676 pvalue: 2.961866e-08 padj: 1.332327e-05

(c) baseMean: 1058.808 log2FoldChange: 2.800934 lfcSE: 0.4835646 stat: 5.792265 pvalue: 6.944332e-09 padj: 4.909011e-06

How can this be? I it is unclear to me, how scaling and centering can effect the DESeq2 results. Can anyone explain what happened? I was assuming that scaling + centering will speed up the fitting of the model and don't affect the results.

Is it recommended to scale + center numeric variables in general?

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[25] genefilter_1.72.0        zlibbioc_1.36.0          purrr_0.3.4              xtable_1.8-6             scales_1.1.1             tibble_3.0.4            
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DESeq2 • 2.1k views
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Hi, I will wait for Mike to respond; however, I see no need to include percent_mapped in your design formula. To adjust for quality, some people include, e.g., RIN (RNA Integrity Number). The alignment % (percent_mapped) is not strictly a measure of DNA quality and relates to other things.

Irrespective, by scaling the variable, you are completely altering its distribution. By default, percent_mapped is measured from 0-100% and is assuredly heavily right-skewed when plot via histogram. When you scale it, you are centering it at 0 and essentially transforming it to Z-scores; so, its distribution changes dramatically. Plot it via histogram (before / after) to see this.

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I wrote data quality. Scaling and centering are not new to me.

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You don't need to include percent_mapped in order to adjust for quality. By including it, even as scaled, you are likely introducing bias into the statistical inferences.

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Last seen 5 days ago
United States

When you add a covariate with a large mean and small SD, you are creating a near collinearity with the intercept. This is similar to a nearly confounded design: the coefficients can trade off and give the same likelihood, so you are impairing the estimation of the coefficients. Collinearity is part of a typical linear models course.

It is simple to resolve: don't include covariates with a large mean value, just center and scale the continuous-valued covariates before adding to the design. Yes it is recommended.

This is why DESeq2 prints the message to center and scale covariates when the mean is large.


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