Hi Mike,
I came across an issue with apeglm
that you hopefully can clarify on. I hope it is not a super-naive error on my side due to lack of understanding of the method.
I ran DESeq2/apeglm on a dataset with 6 levels. In order to make the relevant contrasts accessable via resultsNames
I releveled the group argument several times and re-ran nbinomWaldTest to eventually being able to feed the respective coefs to lfcShrink
. The issue that I noted after playing with the data a bit was that the log2FoldChange estimates and svalues for the same contrast dramatically change depending on the reference level.
Here is a hopefully reproducible chunk of code based on this txi object:
#/ Load that txi object from the cloud:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi = txi,
colData = data.frame(group=gsub("_rep.", "", colnames(txi$counts)),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE),
design = ~group)
dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, parallel = TRUE)
#/ Version 1 with STHSC as reference level:
dds$group <- relevel(dds$group, ref="STHSC")
dds <- nbinomWaldTest(dds)
coef1 <- which(resultsNames(dds)=="group_LTHSC_vs_STHSC")
res1 <- results(dds, name=resultsNames(dds)[coef1], lfc=.5) %>%
lfcShrink(dds=dds, res=., type="apeglm", coef=coef1, parallel=TRUE, svalue=TRUE) %>%
data.frame %>% na.omit
#/ Version 2 with LTHSC as reference level:
dds$group <- relevel(dds$group, ref="LTHSC")
dds <- nbinomWaldTest(dds)
coef2 <- which(resultsNames(dds)=="group_STHSC_vs_LTHSC")
res2 <- results(dds, name=resultsNames(dds)[coef2], lfc=.5) %>%
lfcShrink(dds=dds, res=., type="apeglm", coef=coef2, parallel=TRUE, svalue=TRUE) %>%
data.frame %>% na.omit
The outputs are now as follows:
#/ coef1 so group_LTHSC_vs_STHSC:
> res1["Ighv1-82",]
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE svalue
Ighv1-82 31.43666 4.538567 1.69079 0.0007843982
#/ and group_STHSC_vs_LTHSC
> res2["Ighv1-82",]
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE svalue
Ighv1-82 31.43666 -0.1420145 0.3471301 0.1575346
#/ and the normalized counts:
> counts(dds,normalized=TRUE)["Ighv1-82",grep("LTHSC|STHSC", colnames(dds))]
LTHSC_rep1 LTHSC_rep2 LTHSC_rep3 STHSC_rep1 STHSC_rep2 STHSC_rep3 STHSC_rep5
2.373138 690.546337 0.000000 2.327069 0.000000 12.700701 4.699537
So the question is now whether this behaviour is expected? In my very naive understanding only the direction of the fold change should change, but this is obviously not the case. Can you clarify? sessionInfo here at this gist.