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serverWS = "http://gtlinker.cnb.csic.es:8182"
` in fea_gtLinker() function is not responding. R throws error below
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : Failed to connect to gtlinker.cnb.csic.es port 8182: Timed out
Anyone has similar problem?
Hello. I keep getting the same error message and for similar reasons (apparently) also cannot use DAVID for fea on FGNet. Does anyone have an answer for it? Is there any other mirror for GTLinker? I would like to replicate past analyses and would really appreciate advice on how to use FGNet when GTLinker is down. For DAVID I get the "illegal characters found in URL" and I have tried to find a solution but with no success. I am positive I just don't know how to provide the proper URL. Thank you.