I have been using minfi to process Illumina 450K. I have never faced any issues with reading in IDAT files using read.metharray.exp() function with a valid samplesheet input that includes a column 'Basename' containing the barcodes of IDAT files. However, when I tried to do the same today, I am repeatedly getting this error message that states none of the green idats are recognisable (shown below). I have carefully checked the format of my samplesheet and the idat files in my directory. I restarted R and freshly installed minfi. Still no luck. This function worked for me even yesterday. I am not sure why I am facing this problem now. Does anyone else have the same problem or can think of a solution to resolve this problem?
Thank you.
> samplesheet_blood<-read.csv("samplesheet_blood.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",")
> RGSet_blood<-read.metharray.exp(targets = samplesheet_blood, extended = extended)
Error in read.metharray(files, extended = extended, verbose = verbose, :
The following specified files do not exist:5684819001_RO1CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO2CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO3CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO1CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO2CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO3CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO4CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO5CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO6CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO4CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO5CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO6CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO1CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO2CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO3CO2_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO1CO2_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO2CO2_Grn.idat, 5727920027_RO3CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO4CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO5CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819001_RO6CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO1CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO2CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO3CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO4CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO5CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO6CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920033_RO4CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920033_RO5CO1_Grn.idat, 5727920033_RO6CO1_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO1CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO2CO2_Grn.idat, 5684819004_RO3CO2_Grn.idat, 5727920033_RO1CO2_Grn.
I get the same error even after correcting it all to zeros.
Could you show the directory structure of the location where all your .idat files are located? Are they located in subfolders, or are they all located in the same folder? How does your samplesheet look like?