I'm running into an error that I haven't been able to get around. Here's the code needed to reproduce it (the data is available here):
source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("chimeraviz") library(chimeraviz) fc <- importFusioncatcher(filename = 'SRR1559032_out/final-list_candidate-fusion-genes.GRCh37.txt', "hg19", 100) # Load the results file into a list of fusion objects fusion <- getFusionById(fc, id = '44') fusion # read fastq files with reads for that fusion fastq1 <- 'SRR1559032_fusion_R1.fq' fastq2 <- 'SRR1559032_fusion_R2.fq' # extract the fusion junction sequence referenceFilename <- "reference.fa" writeFusionReference(fusion = fusion, filename = referenceFilename) # map fusion reads to the fusion junction sequence # align the reads you have against the fusion junction sequence source(system.file( "scripts", "rsubread.R", package="chimeraviz")) # create an index for our reference sequence, the fusion junction seq rsubreadIndex(referenceFasta = referenceFilename) # align the reads against the reference # this will create fusionAlignment.bam file rsubreadAlign( referenceName = referenceFilename, fastq1 = fastq1, fastq2 = fastq2, outputBamFilename = "fusionAlignment") bamfile <- 'fusionAlignment.bam' # Create Biostrings::DNAStringSet of fusion sequence fusionSequence <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet( x = c(fusion@geneA@junctionSequence, fusion@geneB@junctionSequence)) names(fusionSequence) <- "chrNA" fusionReadsAlignment <- Gviz::AlignmentsTrack( bamfile, isPaired = TRUE, # Setting chromosome to chrNA because this is a fusion sequence not found in # any reference genome. chromosome = "chrNA", name="Fusion Reads", genome = fusion@genomeVersion) # This call leads to the error: Gviz::plotTracks( fusionReadsAlignment, chromosome = "chrNA", from = 1, to = nchar(fusionSequence)) # Error in data.frame(x1 = start(pairGaps) - 1, y1 = gy, x2 = end(pairGaps) + :arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1 # Note that if I set isPaired to FALSE instead, then the plot works (but this is not what we want to do) fusionReadsAlignment2 <- Gviz::AlignmentsTrack( bamfile, isPaired = FALSE, # Setting chromosome to chrNA because this is a fusion sequence not found in # any reference genome. chromosome = "chrNA", name="Fusion Reads", genome = fusion@genomeVersion) Gviz::plotTracks( fusionReadsAlignment2, chromosome = "chrNA", from = 1, to = nchar(fusionSequence))
Is there something wrong with the input data there, or is there something going wrong in gviz?
Thank you! :)