I have been trying since few days to install a package named methyAnalysis. Firstly it says to update my older version R. I have then updated the in to update the R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30 and the latest RStudio in my windows 64 bit PC. Then I face a problem due to the package named IRanges regarding some dependency error. Someone suggest me in Biostear to update recent bioconductor version. I did that. After that I have updated all the packages it suggested. But facing the same error . Then I try to see the other packages which are previously install in my pc then I also find that they are not being able to make library. Some kind of error shown below.
"No methods found in package ‘IRanges’ for requests: ‘%in%’, ‘elementLengths’, ‘elementMetadata’, ‘ifelse’, ‘queryHits’, ‘Rle’, ‘subjectHits’, ‘t’ when loading ‘bumphunter’ "
Then I try to install the packages after downloading it manually. That time also it is showing error.
"No methods found in package ‘IRanges’ for requests: ‘%in%’, ‘elementLengths’, ‘elementMetadata’, ‘ifelse’, ‘queryHits’, ‘Rle’, ‘subjectHits’, ‘t’ when loading ‘bumphunter’
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘lumi’:
objects ‘.__T__split:base’, ‘split’ are not exported by 'namespace:IRanges'
In addition: Warning message:
replacing previous import ‘BiocGenerics::image’ by ‘graphics::image’ when loading ‘methylumi’ "
Please help me for solving such problem.
Thank you very much.
What is the output of `sessionInfo()` after you load IRanges?
, which may flag some packages that are not correct for your version of R and Bioconductor.And
? It should be 1.20.0.