I tried to follow the instructions in section 3.5 from this link (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/motifStack/inst/doc/motifStack_HTML.html to plot logo stack with radial style. But I found the distance between the start of motif logos and the center are different, which makes the figure a little bit strange. Any suggestions or hints regarding this issue? Thanks in advance!
The code I used could be found as follows:
motifStack(motifs2, layout="radialPhylog", circle = 1.7, cleaves = 0.2, clabel.leaves = 1, col.bg=rep(color, each=7), col.bg.alpha=0.3, col.leaves=rep(color, each=7), col.inner.label.circle=rep(color, each=7), inner.label.circle.width=0.05, col.outer.label.circle=rep(color, each=7), outer.label.circle.width=0.02, circle.motif= 1.5, # The outer circle of motif angle=360)
It works, thanks.