I am following the Analyzing RNA-seq data with DESeq2 guide by Michael Love, Simon Anders and Wolfgang Huber 2018
here is my command that is throwing me an error:
txi<-tximport(filez, type=c("salmon"), tx2gene=tx2gene)
Here is the error:
reading in files
1 Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, :
unused argument (col_names = c("Name", "Length", "TPM", "NumReads"))
Error in tximport(filez, type = c("salmon"), tx2gene = tx2gene) :
tried but couldn't use reader() without error
user will need to define the importer() as well
I have tried calling the importer library:
but it is not available for R 3.3.4 and I am not sure what to do...