If I run the following code to get RefSeq from UCSC:
ahub <- AnnotationHub()
ahub <- subset(ahub, species == "Homo sapiens" & genome == "hg19")
query(ahub, "refseq")[1]
I see
> query(ahub, "refseq")[1]
AnnotationHub with 1 record
# snapshotDate(): 2018-08-01
# names(): AH5040
# $dataprovider: UCSC
# $species: Homo sapiens
# $rdataclass: GRanges
# $rdatadateadded: 2013-03-26
# $title: RefSeq Genes
suggesting to me that this data is from 2013. Additionally, if I change hg19
to hg38
my query comes up empty, despite the fact that UCSC at least right now has RefSeq genes released in 2018 for hg38 (as everyone would expect).
Question: I am surprised that AnnotationHub has these (to me) outdated resources. I expected that that with each new Bioc release, the hub gets updated. But perhaps I am wrong?
These were all generated by Marc Carlson, in 2013, when he was part of BioC core, so it seems to be core provided?
The core team will come up with a strategy for updating these resources as part of our regular work flows.