I'm looking for the differential gene expression in a somatic embryogenesis process. The thing is that i need to compare 5 conditions (stages) versus "control", each condition with two replicates. My question is... can i compare all in one run or do i need to compare by pares? And... how can i manage the replicates?
I started creating a count matrix (with data from the htseq count) comparing one condition versus control (with the 2 replicates of each one), and this command line:
countsTable <- read.csv("controlvs9.csv", header=F, sep="\t")
colData = data.frame(condition = factor(c( "control", "control", "9days", "9days")))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countsTable, colData = colData, design=~condition))
and i get the results in 4 columns (because of the replicates", but i dont know if this is ok. i was expecting to get only two: control and 9days.
and also... i can't asign the first column which contains the names of the genes.
hope someone can help me
Hi, i've been trying all the ways but i'm not sure if my command line is ok. Could you take a look? Thanks in advance
I'd like to compare all stages (9d, 0d, 1d, 2d, 21d) versus "Control", separatelly.
That's correct. If you print
> control_vs_9d
It will also tell you the contrast you performed at the top of the table.
thank you so much!
Dear Michael, i hace another question...
in the results table, the column "baseMean" refers to the normalized data obtained from the input matrix? Or how can i get this values just with the normalization?
You can call mcols() on many objects in DESeq2 to find more information.
We also describe the columns here: