I am replacing foreach with BiocParallel in my package. I wonder whether could I maintain the same setting of progress bar as in foreach for bplapply. (The same problem as listed in https://github.com/Bioconductor/BiocParallel/issues/54 and https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2017-December/012572.html.
Firstly I created a simple example in R:
nrow=10000 ncol=500 matrixx=matrix(runif(nrow*ncol),nrow=nrow,ncol=ncol)
Using foreach with progressbar:
library(parallel) library(doSNOW) library(foreach) cluster=makeCluster(5,type='SOCK') registerDoSNOW(cluster) getDoParWorkers() iterations<-nrow pb<-txtProgressBar(max=iterations,style =3) progress<-function(n)setTxtProgressBar(pb,n) opts<-list(progress=progress) BB_parmat<-foreach(geneind=1:dim(matrixx)[1],.combine=c,.options.snow=opts)%dopar%{ return(mean(matrixx[geneind,])) } close(pb) stopCluster(cluster)
Using bplapply with progress bar (a potential problem is that the progressbar will show 0% for a long time, and then suddenly increases):
library(BiocParallel) BPPARAM=SnowParam(workers=5,progressbar = TRUE,type='SOCK') funnn<-function(geneind,matrixx){ return(mean(matrixx[geneind,])) } suppressWarnings(temp_result<-bplapply(seq(1,dim(matrixx)[1]),funnn,matrixx,BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
I prefer the progress bar shown in the foreach case: increase the bar by 1% per time, so that I can have a basic idea about the running time of the whole code. In the second case, the progress bar increases suddenly.
My question is how could I achieve the same progress bar as shown in foreach case using bplapply?
Thank you very much!
Best wishes,
Thank you Martin! Is it possible to allow bplapply for passing arguments to the function txtProgressBar? If so then I can specify 'max=10000', so that progress bar will be element based.
For this toy example, rowMeans definitely works better. i just used it for illustration.
By the way, BiocParallel is very good, thank you for your work!
Under the current scheme, it will not help to make the progress bar element based, because it would be reporting progress on the workers, where no one is looking!
The current implementation does not allow progress bar options to be set; you could open an issue (no promises for an update, though), at https://github.com/Bioconductor/BiocParallel .
Picking up on this answer, is it possible to have bpapply show a progress bar similar to pbapply when using SerialCoreParam?
I'm not sure that I understand the question; this