Entering edit mode
Icke Blanco
Last seen 5.9 years ago
I have a problem using the myvariant.info r package (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/myvariant.html) or more by using the write.table command, I always get unwanted linebreaks in my output.tsv using write.table with a dataframe created via the myvariant.info r package.
This is my code:
> filepath.input <- file.path("PATH","TO", "YOUR","VCF","FILE.vcf")
> vcf <- readVcf(filepath.input, "hg19")
> myvcf <- formatHgvs(vcf, c("snp", "insertion", "deletion"))
> myvariants1 <- getVariants (c(myvcf),
> fields=c("civic.evidence_items.evidence_type",
> "civic.evidence_items.evidence_direction",
> "civic.evidence_items.evidence_level",
> "civic.evidence_items.drugs.name",
> "civic.evidence_items.disease.name"))
> filepath.output <- file.path("PATH","TO", "YOUR", "OUTPUT","DIR")
> output.tsv = file.path(filepath.output, "myannotatedvariants.tsv")
> write.table(data.frame(myvariants1), output.tsv, sep = "\t", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
This is my output:
> myvariants1
DataFrame with 1 row and 4 columns
query X_id civic._license
<character> <character> <character>
1 chr1:g.115258745C>G chr1:g.115258745C>G https://goo.gl/gPCAyH
1 list(drugs = list(list(name = "Cetuximab"), list(name = "Vemurafenib"), list(name = "Vemurafenib"), list(name = "NVP BEZ235"), list(name = "AZD 6244"), list(name = "NVP BEZ235"), list(name = "AZD 6244"), list(name = "AZD 6244"), list(name = "NVP BEZ235")), evidence_direction = c("Supports", "Supports", "Supports", "Supports", "Supports", "Supports", "Supports", "Supports", "Supports"), evidence_level = c("C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "D", "D"), evidence_type = c("Predictive", "Predictive", "Predictive", \n"Predictive", "Predictive", "Predictive", "Predictive", "Predictive", "Predictive"), disease.name = c("Colorectal Cancer", "Melanoma", "Melanoma", "Colorectal Cancer", "Colorectal Cancer", "Colorectal Cancer", "Colorectal Cancer", "Colorectal Cancer", "Colorectal Cancer"))
I tried to delete the " , \n" in " \n"Predictive"" via
gsub(", \n", ",", myvariants1)
but this giving me a: Error in as.vector(x, mode = "character") : no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
All my trials with as.matrix etc did not work out:( Can someone help me out?