I have 2545 and 1402 genes in Oncology Biomarker Panel and Precision Immuno-oncology Panel respectively. I have 719 common genes between two panels. I will need to merge raw read counts from these panels for differential expression (we know experimental condition, chemistry for samples from the same patients makes this reasonable). However, I thought to do differential expression analysis for 719 common by taking panel effect as batch like below
condition batch
A1 treatment 1
A2 treatment 1
A3 treatment 1
A4 treatment 1
A5 treatment 1
A6 treatment 1
A7 control 1
A8 control 1
A9 control 1
A10 control 1
A11 control 1
A12 control 1
B1 treatment 2
B2 treatment 2
B3 treatment 2
B4 treatment 2
B5 treatment 2
B6 treatment 2
B7 control 2
B8 control 2
B9 control 2
B10 control 2
B11 control 2
B12 control 2
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countData,colData = colData,design = ~ batch + condition)
neu.dds.LRT <- DESeq(dds,betaPrior=FALSE, test="LRT",
full=~ batch + condition, reduced=~batch)
dpsc.res.LRT <- results(neu.dds.LRT , contrast=c("condition", "treatment", "control"))
So that I would have differentially expressed genes among 719 common genes for treatment Vs control considering panel effect. Then I should combine uncommon genes between panels and do differential expression analysis separately (no longer with batch correction). I would have two sets of results. My question is , is there any way to have a set of differential expression analysis with two panels raw read counts although they have 719 common enes? Or, is these any way to combine design after making dds to unified my results?
Thanks for any assistance
Thank you, they are Oncology Biomarker Panel and Precision Immuno-oncology Panel in HTG assay
I don’t know anything about the technology so I’d recommend speaking with someone more familiar.