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Last seen 5.6 years ago
Hi guys, I am a new user of Rstudio, I got error with CNTools package when I was trying to obtain the reduced segment from copy number segment data from TCGA. "Error in cbind(map, do.call("cbind", args = lapply(splited, getGeneSegMean))) : object 'geneMap' not found" After uploading the data which contain the columns ("AliquotID", "Chromosome", "Start", "End", "NumProbes", "Segment_Mean"). I ran the following code as stated in CNTools documentation;
seg <- CNSeg(sampleData[which(is.element(sampleData[, "ID"],sample(unique(sampleData[, "ID"]), 1))), ])
rsBygene <- getRS(seg, by = "gene", imput = FALSE, XY = FALSE, what = "mean", geneMap = geneMap)
Thanks for your suggestion in advance
What does the title of your question have to do with the question itself?
Agree with other comment - In the future please provide a descriptive title relating to the issue you are having.
The above code from the documentation doesn't work for you as you have miscopied
which should bedata(sampleData)
. I could run the following example in the man documentation with no issue:Perhaps the CNTools maintainer may be able to provide more detail, but according to the vignette (accessible for this package with
So before running the above getRS command utilizing geneMap argument, the following is shown in the vignette:
Hope this helps.