I am trying to download bigwig files for each sample of RNA-Seq data in GTEx via recount2.
I can see bigwig file names defined for each sample (probably for each gene) in the 19th column through the following command.
Then, how can I download the actual bigwig files in the column?
> download_study("SRP012682", type = "rse-gene")
> load(file.path("SRP012682", "rse_gene.Rdata"))
> colnames(colData(rse_gene))
Actually, the recount Bioconductor vignette stated that downloadstudy can be set with type="samples" that returns one bigWig file per sample in the study. However, downloadstudy cannot recognize this parameter value.
In either way, can you please help me to download GTEx RNA-Seq bigwig files for each sample?
> url <- download_study('SRP012682', type=samples)
Error in type %in% c("rse-gene", "rse-exon", "rse-jx", "rse-tx", "counts-gene", :
'match' requires vector arguments
You can download the BigWig files for a study using download_study(project, type = "samples" ). Note that "samples" is quoted, unlike the one you provided in your code above.
So for example this works for downloading all the BigWig sample files for study SRP009615 (took 2 minutes for me).
download_study('SRP009615', type = 'samples')
Note that downloading all the BigWig files will use a lot of disk space (if you download them all it's about 8 TB).
because GTex is that big, how one could for example pick up randomly (or first) 20 brain samples from GTex and download all the corresponding bigwig files for them? (I wrote brain because it looks like it is how recount2 splits GTex into when looking here: https://jhubiostatistics.shinyapps.io/recount/ )
Thank you very much Leonardo Collado Torres!
because GTex is that big, how one could for example pick up randomly (or first) 20 brain samples from GTex and download all the corresponding bigwig files for them? (I wrote brain because it looks like it is how recount2 splits GTex into when looking here: https://jhubiostatistics.shinyapps.io/recount/ )
This is a separate question, please post a new question Daniel. Thank you =)