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mentions the accessor function seqlengths()
. Trying to use it seems to be throwing an error about that not being exported. Hmm...looks like I am overlooking something. But what? :-)
granges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = 'chr1',
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = 100, end = 200),
strand = '-',
seqlengths = c(chr1 = 1000))
Error: 'seqlengths' is not an exported object from 'namespace:GenomicRanges'
As a little bit of further commentary, it's worth noting that there is no method for GRanges:
and that's because of the interesting pattern where the implementation of
is based on reuse of the Seqinfo method:and actually GenomicRanges (re)exports the seqinfo generic
and relevant methods
These would be good discussions for the bioc-devel mailing list (for package development, which I believe is what is going on here?) or the Bioconductor community slack.
Thankyou Martin, also for the reference to BioC community slack, which I was yet unaware of :-).
Thankyou Michael :-)