The below is my Dmrcate run and I do get the DMRS. but how to get the CPGids that are part of these DMRS
corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(myMs, design=designMatrix, block = biolrep)
dmrCate.<-cpg.annotate("array", myMs, what="M", arraytype = "EPIC", analysis.type="differential", design=designMatrix, coef=2, block=biolrep, correlation=corfit$consensus.correlation,fdr=0.01)
dmrcoutput_all <- dmrcate(dmrCate,lambda=500, C=5, pcutoff="fdr",min.cpgs=1,mc.cores=1)
wgbs.ranges_all.snp7 <- extractRanges(dmrcoutput_all, genome = "hg19")
write.csv (wgbs.ranges_all.snp7,file="DMRCate_DifferentailRange.txt")
how to get the 17 Cpgids from the result shown below
"1","chr6",31539539,31540750,1212,"*",17,2.06654851019045e-120,2.16758469969414e-149,-0.162022961391297,-0.106211449278892,"LTA-001, LTA-002, LTA-004, LTA-003"
I tried with gRanges but unable to understand how to perform it
The above two lines I was able to subset the ids belonging to 1 location of interest.
But now How can I loop this for multiple locations present in a data.frame of dmrcoutput_all?
There would be multiple ways(more efficient way ) to what do than the below script which I have used solve my own problem.
But It would be great to know If there is any efficient way to do the same.
OBJECT <- is the last object from which beta/mvalue for DMRCate is give as input
P.S: Here the output from DMRcate is written to a file
The above two lines I was able to subset the ids belonging to 1 location of interest.
How can I loop this for multiple locations present in a data.frame of dmrcoutput_all?