> ah<-AnnotationHub(localHub=F)
No internet connection using 'localHub=TRUE'
Error in .updateHubDB(hub_bfc, .class, url, proxy, localHub):
Invalid Cache: sqlite file
Hub has not been added to cache
Run again with 'localHub=FALSE'> ah<-AnnotationHub(localHub=T)
Error in .updateHubDB(hub_bfc, .class, url, proxy, localHub):
Invalid Cache: sqlite file
Hub has not been added to cache
Run again with 'localHub=FALSE'> refreshHub(hub,cache,proxy,hubClass=c("AnnotationHub","ExperimentHub"))
Error in refreshHub(hub, cache, proxy, hubClass = c("AnnotationHub", "ExperimentHub")):
This function requires internet connection
The message does indicate it is not finding internet connection
Using localHub=FALSE would not work in this case if the hub had never been created and if there is no internet connection; it would need to work at least once to use the localHub option.
Are you behind a proxy that would prevent internet connection? If you are behind a proxy, please set the proxy by either using proxy= in the constructor or by setting globally with setAnnotationHubOption.
We check the internet connection by checking first if the proxy is set, and then by using curl::has_internet().
Also in the future please tag the post with the package that is in question. I did not receive a notification because the tag did not include the package name annotationhub. Cheers.
So did you check if you have internet connection? or some of the proposed solutions of the error?
I have the internet connection.
Did you use
localHub = FALSE