I realize this question has probably been asked a million times but I cannot find a case that's similar to mine.
I have 8 conditions but no reference. These are different strains of the same organism. I want to perform a pairwise comparison of all 8 groups , totaling 28 unique comparisons (no A vs. A, but A vs. B, A vs. C, etc..)
Is this possible?
> coldata
A_S15 A
A_S23 A
A_S7 A
B_S12 B
B_S20 B
B_S4 B
C_S16 C
C_S24 C
C_S8 C
D_S1 D
D_S17 D
D_S9 D
E_S13 E
E_S21 E
E_S5 E
F_S14 F
F_S22 F
F_S6 F
G_S10 G
G_S18 G
G_S2 G
H_S11 H
H_S19 H
H_S3 H
> dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=counts,colData=coldata, design= ~ strain)
> dds <- DESeq(dds)
> resultsNames(dds)
[1] "Intercept" "strain_B_vs_A" "strain_C_vs_A"
[4] "strain_D_vs_A" "strain_E_vs_A" "strain_F_vs_A"
[7] "strain_G_vs_A" "strain_H_vs_A"
So to achieve my 28 comparisons, should I re-reference the strain like this?
> dds$condition <- relevel(dds$condition, ref="B")
And are "strainBvsA" and "strainAvsB" equivalent or does the order matter?
Thank you.
Thank you Kevin, always a delight to see your answers.