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Last seen 4.9 years ago
> eset=rma(Data)
installing the source package ‘hgu133plus2cdf’
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 4353300 bytes (4.2 MB)
downloaded 4.2 MB
ERROR: dependency 'AnnotationDbi' is not available for package 'hgu133plus2cdf'
* removing 'D:/我的文档/R/win-library/3.6/hgu133plus2cdf'
The downloaded source packages are in
Error in getCdfInfo(object) :
Could not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered:
Specified environment does not contain HG-U133_Plus_2
Library - package hgu133plus2cdf not installed
Library - package hgu133plus2cdf not installed
此外: Warning message:
In install.packages(cdfname, lib = lib, repos = repositories(), :
installation of package ‘hgu133plus2cdf’ had non-zero exit status
Thank you. But I've installed the AnnotationDbi package, it still has an error . How can I solve this?
Try simplifying. First confirm that
loads into your R session. Then try to install the cdf package using 'standard' procedures
I suspect that this fails. I suspect it is because of the non-ASCII characters in the file path
and that the solution is to use a path for your library that uses only ASCII characters.I believe that the ASCII character issue has been addressed in R-4.0, which is due for release at the end of this month.