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Last seen 4.8 years ago
How do I install a program properly ( Oligoarrayaux) such that a software(decipher using R) is able to access the program? Should I put the installed program in the same file folder etc?
> system("hybrid-min -V")
[1] 127
> system("OligoArrayAux")
[1] 127
> primers <- DesignPrimers(tiles, identifier="Accumulibacter",minCoverage=1, minGroupCoverage=1)
Error in DesignPrimers(tiles, identifier = "Accumulibacter", minCoverage = 1, : OligoArrayAux must be properly installed.
thank you i have managed to installed it
I am facing the same problem with the OligoArrayAux installation, but so far I could not manage to install it properly. I am using Windows 10 and even adapted the systems' Path to the OligoArrayAux location. Do you have any idea what might be wrong?
Me too, I downloaded the OligoArrayAux from UNAFold web server (http://www.unafold.org/Dinamelt/software/oligoarrayaux.php), but still get the error message: "OligoArrayAux must be properly installed". Could you please help?
If OligoArrayAux (or UNAFold) are properly installed, it should be possible within R to run:
system("hybrid-min -h")
without an error.