Hello, I am following the tutorial "https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/workflows/vignettes/maEndToEnd/inst/doc/MA-Workflow.html#126multipletestingfdr,andcomparisonwithresultsfromtheoriginal_paper" for microarray analysis, but mine is S. cerevisiae. Here I have problem with GO enrichment and get an error that I don't understand:
table is made by topTable, where top-ranked genes are extracted from the model. The vector back_genes has background gene PROBEIDs. DE_genes is a table with deferentially expressed genes.
gene_IDs <- rownames(table)
in_universe <- gene_IDs %in% c(DE_genes, back_genes)
in_selection <- gene_IDs %in% DE_genes
all_genes <- in_selection[in_universe]
all_genes <- factor(as.integer(in_selection[in_universe]))
names(all_genes) <- gene_IDs[in_universe]
top_GO_data <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = all_genes,
annot = annFUN.db, affyLib = "yeast2.db")
Building most specific GOs .....
Error: cannot join using column gene_id - column not present in both tables**
In all the steps, vectors contain information. The geneIDs is there and I can see it has more than 9000 elements like "1775344at", "1769773_at", etc. I don't know if I have made mistake in defining my arguments or I have misunderstood any step? I tried goana too, but had trouble with the package org.Sc.eg.db that couldn't be loaded.
Please help. Thanks in advance.