Dear community,
We are trying to write wrappers for analysis around the popular cool and mcool data files. For example, I would like to use diffHic to analyze differential interactions between experiments and start directly from the processed interaction pair counts stored in these popular data format. I do not want to re-process the pairs form the alignment files. Following the vignettes for the GenomicInterations and diffHic, I am trying to create an InteractionSet object that would be recast into a DGEList for passing to some of the popular edgeR package functions.
I am attaching a script and a toy example that can be download here (1.8Gb) The script uses the cooler CLI found here
The script successfully creates the InteractionSet object but something is not write as it errors when recasting into the DGEList. I can't seem to trace down what is missing...
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
getGI <- function(mcool.f,res) {
con <- pipe(paste('cooler ls',mcool.f))
cool.fs <- readLines(con)
resolutions <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(strsplit(cool.fs,'/'),function(x) x[length(x)])))
## Should add a tryCatch for testing if resolution exists in file
cool.f <- cool.fs[resolutions == res]
chrs <- read.table(pipe(paste("cooler dump -t chroms",cool.f)))
colnames(chrs) <- c('chr','length')
## TODO: here we will roll over all chromosomes using mclapply
chr <- chrs$chr[21]
cmd <- pipe(paste("cooler dump -t pixels -r",chr,"-r2",chr,"--header --join",cool.f))
interaction <- read.table(cmd,header=TRUE,fill=TRUE)
gi <- GenomicInteractions(GRanges(interaction$chrom1,IRanges(interaction$start1,interaction$end1)),
## This will be a series of mcool files
mcool.fs <- c("toy1.mcool","toy2.mcool")
## Get the GenomicInteractions and there counts from mcool files
gi.counts <- lapply(mcool.fs,getGI,res = 32000)
## Reformating the list of GenomicInteractions into an Interactions sets
## First, get the universe of genomic interactions in the list
gi <- unique(,gi.counts))
## Just removing the metadata
mcols(gi) <- c()
## Get a dataframe of counts for each interaction pairs
counts <-,lapply(gi.counts,function(x){
## Initialize a vector of counts 0 of the lenght of all interaction
counts <- as.integer(rep(0,length(gi)))
## Find the interactions in the common set intersecting with the current GI
mm <- findMatches(gi,x)
## Replace in the vector of counts for the universe, replace the intersection with the current counts
counts[queryHits(mm)] <- x$counts[subjectHits(mm)]
## Return
## Asign the name of the Column to the sample
colnames(counts) <- mcool.fs
## Get the library size <- DataFrame(lib.sizes=colSums(counts))
## Create the interaction set
data <- InteractionSet(counts,
## Trying to follow the diffHiC vignette
## Casting teh InteractionSet as a DGEList for using countCPM
data.DGEL <- asDGEList(data)
## Throwing an error... Can't find why...
here is the full error text and the session info