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Last seen 4.2 years ago
I see the code to increase point and label size, but would like to increase the font size of my axis labels. Is there a way to modify their size?
lab = row.names(df1),
x = "log2FC",
y = "Age.Adjusted.FDR",
ylab = bquote(~-Log[10]~italic(FDR)),
title = "Volcano Plot",
pCutoff = 0.2,
FCcutoff = 0.3,
legendPosition = "right",
pointSize = c(ifelse(df1$log2FC > 0.3, 8, 1)),
#labSize = 4.0,
col=c("black", "orange", "blue", "red"),
legend=c("NS","Log2 FC > |0.3|","FDR < 0.2","FDR < 0.2 & Log2 FC > |0.3|"),
drawConnectors = TRUE,
ylim = c(0,-log10(10e-4))