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Last seen 4.5 years ago
I am trying to use Cytofast. According to the manual I need to create a clustering with FlowSom and then use it as base to feed cytofast. I create my flowsom object and seems fine:
#Compensated from FlowJo
fSOM <- FlowSOM(samples,
# Input options:
compensate = FALSE,
transform = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
# SOM options:
colsToUse = channels.needed, xdim = 7, ydim = 7,
# Metaclustering options:
nClus = 6)
PlotStars(fSOM[[1]], backgroundValues = as.factor(fSOM[[2]]))
PlotMarker(fSOM[[1]],marker = "FJComp.APC.A")
Then, there is not just a simple command to import it in cytofast.
#imprt metadata
sample_meta <- read_excel("metadata.xls")
sample_meta$sampleID <- as.factor(sample_meta$sampleID)
sample_meta$Group <- as.factor(sample_meta$Group)
sample_meta$Name <- as.factor(sample_meta$Name)
#get the clusterID from fSOM object
clusterID <- as.factor(fSOM$FlowSOM$map$mapping[,1])
levels(clusterID) <- fSOM$metaclustering
#I need to have a list of "file name" "from" "to". The original one from here https://www.jove.com/t/60525/visualization-quantification-high-dimensional-cytometry-data-using was not working for me so I adapted it
test <- function(counter = 0) {
result = list()
while (counter < length(fSOM$FlowSOM$metaData)) {
counter = counter + 1
result[[counter]] <- c(substr(names(fSOM$FlowSOM$metaData[counter]), start=85, stop=129), fSOM$FlowSOM$metaData[[counter]])
#print(substr(names(fSOM$FlowSOM$metaData[counter]), start=85, stop=129))
l = test()
sampleID <- lapply(l, function(x){rep(x[1], each = length(x[2]:x[3]))})
#now sampleID is a "list of lists"
#to make it one column
attr(sampleID, 'names') <- NULL
sampleID <- as.factor(unlist(sampleID))
#dataframe with ClusterID, sampleID and fSOM data made before
sampleID <- mapvalues(sampleID, from = levels(sampleID), to = 1:177)
df <- data.frame(clusterID, sampleID, fSOM$FlowSOM$data[, channels.needed])
#Assign each cell to its identified subset and sample ID.
#subset_id <- as.factor(fSOM$FlowSOM$map$mapping[,1])
#levels(subset_id) <- fSOM$metaclustering
#head(subset_id) #OK
#FINALLY make cfList (cytofast file)
cfData <- cfList(samples = sample_meta ,expr = df)
cfData <- cellCounts(cfData, frequency = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
Seems it worked, but when I try to make a plot:
> cytoHeatmaps (cfData, group="Group", legend=TRUE)
Error in if (xi > xj) 1L else -1L : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In Ops.factor(xi, xj) : ‘>’ not meaningful for factors
If I ignore the group it is working:
cytoHeatmaps (cfData,legend=FALSE) #Workes
And the groups exist:
> cfData@samples$Group
[1] Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1
[12] Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1
[23] Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1
[34] Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1
[45] Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch1 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2
[56] Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2
[67] Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2
[78] Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2
[89] Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch2 Batch3 Batch3
[100] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[111] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[122] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[133] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[144] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[155] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[166] Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3 Batch3
[177] Batch3
Levels: Batch1 Batch2 Batch3
I tried to make Group as charather instead of factor, but I get another error:
> cfData@samples$Group <- as.character(cfData@samples$Group)
> cytoHeatmaps (cfData,legend=FALSE) #Works
> cytoHeatmaps (cfData, group="Group", legend=TRUE)
Error: Must request at least one colour from a hue palette.
Any idea?? Thanks!