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Seth Falcon
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Sophie,
Sophie Gallina <sfi at="" good.ibl.fr=""> writes:
> I have got this message when installing exonmap on linux :
> ** building package indices ...
> Error in load(zfile, envir = envir) : ReadItem: unknown type 25
That's a strange looking error. Can you tell us what version of R you
are using? Output from the sessionInfo() command is really quite
essential for us to help you.
I just tried installing exonmap using R-2.5.1 and R-2.6.0 and both
worked fine. I strongly recommend that you install BioC packages
using biocLite (see the bioconductor website for details, or search
the list archives).
+ seth
Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
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