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James Wagner
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello, when trying to install these packages using biocLite, I get the
messages package "sva" is not available and likewise package
"bladderbatch" is not available. With sva I was able to download the
file and install it using install.packages(), however with
bladderbatch I
got the message
Error : Invalid DESCRIPTION file
Package name and namespace differ.
The DESCRIPTION file contained the line "namespace auto", which when I
removed gave no further errors with the "install.packages()" command,
however then when I run library(bladderbatch) I get the warning
Warning message:
In loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source =
keep.source) :
package 'bladderbatch' contains no R code and then with
data(bladderbatch) I get that data set 'bladderbatch' not found.
What is the best way to hack the DESCRIPTION file to get bladderbatch
actually working?
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