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Mary Kindall
Last seen 10.5 years ago
1. How do I interpret the result of 'hyperGTest' if the argument "testDirection='under'" is supplied? The hypergtest result is given below.
2. Is there a way to find all Entrez IDs associated with a particular GO term (For example, GO:0034660).
3. How do I find list of all Entrez IDs which has a GO BP/CC/MF term? My gene universe 'uGenes' initially had a total of ~22,000 genes, whereas the result below show it to be 19,703. This mean that some of my genes in the universe did not have an associated GO term. How to find those which were left out?
> library(GOstats) > hypTest <- new("GOHyperGParams", ontology = "BP", geneIds = dGenes, universeGeneIds = uGenes, + annotation = "org.Mm.eg.db", pvalueCutoff =0.05, testDirection='under') Warning message: In makeValidParams(.Object) : removing geneIds not in universeGeneIds > hypRes <- hyperGTest(hypTest) > hypRes Gene to GO BP test for under-representation 10243 GO BP ids tested (13 have p < 0.05) Selected gene set size: 575 Gene universe size: 19703 Annotation package: org.Mm.eg > goRes <- summary(hypRes) > dim(goRes) [1] 13 7 > head(goRes) GOBPID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size Term 1 GO:0034660 0.0009096559 0.0000000 6.858093 0 235 ncRNA metabolic process 2 GO:0006396 0.0012500319 0.2704202 14.212303 4 487 RNA processing 3 GO:0034470 0.0043152380 0.0000000 5.340557 0 183 ncRNA processing 4 GO:0006457 0.0146830925 0.0000000 4.144039 0 142 protein folding 5 GO:0071843 0.0255629678 0.1774194 5.457291 1 187 cellular component biogenesis at cellular level 6 GO:0022613 0.0345792941 0.1897753 5.107090 1 175 ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis
Mary Kindall
Yorktown Heights, NY
(Duplicate question)