Using the quant smooth package to retrieve chromosome lengths produces this size for chromosome 18 (as example, others are also different): 76117153
however, both ensemble and ncbi give a value over 80 mbp for that chromosome. I used this command:
chrlen<-lengthChromosome(chroms[i],"bases") print(paste("processing chrom ",chroms[i]," (",chrlen,")",sep="")) plot(c(0,chrlen),c(-2,nrow(lesions_list)+4.5),type="n", xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="",main=paste("Chromosome ",chroms[i], "(",peaks,")",sep="")) par(xpd=TRUE) #allow plotting outside margin # draw chromosome at the bottom of plotting area... paintCytobands(chroms[i],units="bases",pos=c(1,2),width=1,legend=FALSE)
when I place hg19 based coordinates above the plot, the features extend beyond the end of the chromosome.
can we specify genome release version ? or supply our own bands files ?
thanks much !