Hi, all
I'm trying to get function information, nonsynonymous or synonymous, of all coding-area SNPs in chromosome 22 from biomaRt.
The code I tried is as below:
> require(biomaRt) > mart <- useMart("snp") > dataset <- useDataset("hsapiens_snp", mart=mart) > filters <- listFilters(dataset) > attributes <- listAttributes(dataset) > snps.chr22 <- getBM(attributes=c('refsnp_id', 'chrom_start', 'minor_allele_freq', 'ensembl_gene_stable_id', 'consequence_type_tv'), filters='chr_name', values=22, mart=dataset) > unique(snps.chr22$consequence_type_tv) [1] "downstream_gene_variant" "upstream_gene_variant" [3] "non_coding_exon_variant" "nc_transcript_variant" [5] "3_prime_UTR_variant" "splice_region_variant" [7] "synonymous_variant" "intron_variant" [9] "NMD_transcript_variant" "missense_variant" [11] "5_prime_UTR_variant" "stop_lost" [13] "initiator_codon_variant" "" [15] "feature_elongation" "feature_truncation" [17] "stop_gained" "frameshift_variant" [19] "splice_donor_variant" "inframe_insertion" [21] "splice_acceptor_variant" "inframe_deletion" [23] "coding_sequence_variant" "stop_retained_variant" [25] "incomplete_terminal_codon_variant" "mature_miRNA_variant" [27] "transcript_ablation"
There is nothing such as 'nonsynomynous' in consequence_type_tv. Even though there is a 'synonymous_variant' but that's not enough for me. Does anyone know if there is some other attribute(s) or filter(s) I can try to get such information? Thanks.
I think you already have that information; it has just been separated into the various types of non-synonymous variants that can occur. You just have to select the type(s) of non-synonymous variants you care about, and do whatever you want, based on those data.
Hi, James
Thank you for your response! So now I see that my code did bring me to the right place. And the next step is to recognize which of these variant types belong to nonsynonymous group. But I'm a statistician. Even though I'm taking biology class, it's still difficult for me to tell if some given variant type is a nonsynonymous one or not. Now I got 25 types of variants from 'consequence_type_tv'(excluding a " " and "synonymous_variant"). Could you please copy and paste the names of the nonsynonymous types here if that's not too much trouble?
Thank you very much!
Scroll down to the table.
Thanks!!! That's really helpful!