Thanks Florian again for the insights on the memory usage and AnnotationTrack and DataTrack settinsg and issues.
Wondering if there is any other way to import the long BED files into my Gviz session without using wig or graph files.
To be more specific : I have a list of 30000-40000 peaks of CTCF in BED format (optionally I could add a score of 10 to each). The list of peaks is below, and the code I use is :
CTCF_minusE2 <- read.delim("CTCF_minusE2_HOMERpeaks.m1e1.converted-hg19.with-score10", header=TRUE)
CTCF_minusE2_ranges <- GRanges(seqnames = CTCF_minusE2$chr, ranges = IRanges(CTCF_minusE2$start,CTCF_minusE2$end), strand ="*", score=CTCF_minusE2$score)
CTCF_minusE2_annotation_track <- AnnotationTrack(CTCF_minusE2_ranges, genome = "hg19", chromosome = chr, start = start, end = end, name="CTCF_minusE2", fill = "red", stacking="dense")
CTCF_minusE2_data_track <- DataTrack(CTCF_minusE2_ranges, genome = "hg19", chromosome = chr, start = start, end = end, name="CTCF_minusE2", fill = "red", type ="p")
For CTCF_minusE2_annotation_track, the Error is : " cannot allocate vector of size 10.8 Gb". Is there any way to circumvent it ? Thanks a lot !
Here is the list of BED peaks in the file : "CTCF_minusE2_HOMERpeaks.m1e1.converted-hg19.with-score10" (I could send you the full list by regular email or via this website, if the supportBioC list accepts 70 000 peaks).
chr start end score
chr1 10225 12362 10
chr1 14655 16655 10
chr1 90387 92387 10
chr1 104044 106044 10
chr1 136442 138442 10
chr1 139325 141325 10
chr1 236690 238690 10
chr1 250444 252444 10
chr1 324041 326041 10
chr1 368522 370522 10
chr1 388021 390021 10
chr1 415688 417688 10
chr1 422283 424283 10
chr1 436849 438849 10
chr1 455066 457066 10
chr1 460944 462944 10
chr1 526707 528707 10
chr1 544138 546138 10
chr1 565718 567718 10
chr1 572799 574799 10
chr1 600518 602518 10
chr1 663702 665702 10
Please add the output of