Try this:
gating_method: flowClust
gating_args: transitional=TRUE
see "help(flowClust.2d)" for more details.
On 04/09/2015 02:47 AM, Niclas Thomas wrote:
Hi Mike and Greg,
Sorry to bother you again - I've contacted you previously about flowStats.
My question this time is about openCyto - I simply want to gate transitional B cells using CD38 and IgM. In your publication and on your vignette here you mention that there exists a gate specifically for transitional B cells. I've gone through the manuals and also the source code on GitHub and can't find the relevant section to help me define this transitional gate in my template csv file.
I was just wondering if you'd be able to tell me how to do this e.g. I've tried various incarnations of
alias | pop | parent | dims | gating_method | gating_args | collapseDataForGating | groupBy | preprocessing_method | preprocessing_args |
trans | trans | Bcells | CD38,IgM | transitional |
trans | trans | Bcells | CD38,IgM | transitionalBcells |
etc. but nothing seems to register as the correct name for the gating_method.
Thanks for your help.
Niclas Thomas PhD, UCL Genetics Institute, Darwin Building Room 212, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT