I have micro array data in GSE format from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/geo2r/?acc=GSE1739. My simple question is how to normalize this data ? All I could see was gene symbols and IDs. I could not find numbers to normalize (As my background is Mathematics, very poor knowledge about gene data). I know there is one R package `limma` with function `normalizeWithinArrays`. But no idea how to implement on the data set mentioned above. Please provide some insight. Thanks in advance.
While using geo2r is helpful for doing analysis on the web, if you want to analyze data within R, you should use the GEOquery package.
Also note that these data are from the Affymetrix Human Focus array, so you don't want to process using limma. Instead you want to use the affy package. In addition, this is an old data set and they used MAS5.0 to summarize, rather than something more reasonable like RMA, so you are likely to be better off getting the raw data and summarizing yourself.
If you have very poor knowledge about gene data you should either inform yourself or find a collaborator who does have that knowledge. As a first step in informing yourself, you could start here.
You can try to download the raw data files. Then you can use any type of normalization method you like the best.