I am using DESeq2 and after the rld transformation I plotted the PCA and found an interesting result. However, I don't know how to extract the PC data. I want to know what the Principal Components actually are (I believe it's a weighted gene list so I want to know the weights?). I would also like to retrieve the data on PC3, PC4, etc. and understand what are in the those principal components but also how much variance are explained by those principal components.
Please let me know if this is possible within DESeq2 or if I should use another package.
Whether or not you see the comments is determined by options("keep.source.pkgs"), which if FALSE (the default) will strip off the comments when you install the package. So for example, in my install I get
In which case the Bioconductor github mirror is nice. You can find the source file here, and scroll down to the function itself.
You're right, I need to fix that note. I think I tricked myself through using devtools into thinking that would work. I'll just say, go to source for comments.
Hi - I wonder if you could let me know how to modify this code and save it as a new function that calls the 2 PCs of interest, e.g. 1 and 2 (default) or 3 and 4 as variables, perhaps>?
I guess it's the line:
where the [,1] and [,2] refer to 2 columns of the pca output.
Sorry for the basic nature of my question: I'm a beginner and not done any function editing yet..
The easiest thing to do is to make your own function. You can get the function body by going to the github link I posted above.