I've got some data that comes under an unusual design and I was looking for some advice. The experiment consists of 3 time points, 3 conditions, in triplicate, and it's paired by treatment.
Design Matrix
> design Pairing Treatment TimePoint 1 A type1 2hr 2 A type2 2hr 3 A type3 2hr 4 B type1 6hr 5 B type2 6hr 6 B type3 6hr 7 G type1 24hr 8 G type2 24hr 9 G type3 24hr 10 C type1 2hr 11 C type2 2hr 12 C type3 2hr 13 D type1 6hr 14 D type2 6hr 15 D type3 6hr 16 H type1 24hr 17 H type2 24hr 18 H type3 24hr 19 E type1 2hr 20 E type2 2hr 21 E type3 2hr 22 F type1 6hr 23 F type2 6hr 24 F type3 6hr 25 I type1 24hr 26 I type2 24hr 27 I type3 24hr
Model Design
~Pairing + Treatment * TimePoint
Returns an error that the model is not full rank, understandably. The only comparisons I'm interested in are between the treatments at each time point (relative to the pairings). So I can simply filter the samples I put into DESeq2 by time point, then use the model:
~Pairing + Treatment
Which allows me to do the between treatment contrasts. I was looking for ways to include all samples (as DESeq2 will utilise all samples for dispersion estimation, I believe). I came across section 3.12.1 of the DESeq2 users guide, which states that I can do "Comparisons Both Between and Within Subjects" by adding a design column that distinguishes nested pairings.
So adding to the design matrix:
> design Pairing Treatment TimePoint Pairing.rf 1 A type1 2hr 1 2 A type2 2hr 1 3 A type3 2hr 1 4 B type1 6hr 1 5 B type2 6hr 1 6 B type3 6hr 1 7 G type1 24hr 1 8 G type2 24hr 1 9 G type3 24hr 1 10 C type1 2hr 2 11 C type2 2hr 2 12 C type3 2hr 2 13 D type1 6hr 2 14 D type2 6hr 2 15 D type3 6hr 2 16 H type1 24hr 2 17 H type2 24hr 2 18 H type3 24hr 2 19 E type1 2hr 3 20 E type2 2hr 3 21 E type3 2hr 3 22 F type1 6hr 3 23 F type2 6hr 3 24 F type3 6hr 3 25 I type1 24hr 3 26 I type2 24hr 3 27 I type3 24hr 3
...and the model design:
~TimePoint + TimePoint:Pairing.rf + TimePoint:Treatment
...allows me to compare between groups, for example:
results(dds2, contrast=list(c("TimePoint24hr.Treatmenttype3"), c("TimePoint24hr.Treatmenttype1")))
...But I'm don't think that this approach truly utilises the pairings. Ultimately, I'm asking what the best approach to take is, and if there's a benefit to using the second approach over the first?
Thanks for any insight!