even at this stage, I want to thank anyone will can help me.
I'm using the Limma package in order to anlayse the gene expression in different tissues(Sample). For each tissue I want to know which genes are overexpressed and underexpressed; for example I would be able to say that the gene_x is more expressed in tissue A than B (and C) but less expressed than D. In others words the purpose of my analysis is to obtain for each gene a ranking list of expression level in tissues, that I could sort it in decreasing way in according to expression level or I could show the results for each genes in a heatmap; however the visualization is not still important in this phase.
I didn't understand the scientific meaning behind the makeContrasts function and the difference among following example:
1) makeContrasts(B-A,C-B,C-A,levels=c("A","B","C"))
2) makeContrasts(contrasts="A-(B+C)/2",levels=c("A","B","C"))
3) x <- c("B-A","C-B","C-A")
makeContrasts(contrasts=x, levels=c("A","B","C"))
In particular for my analysis, What type of makeContrasts example I must to apply?
I'm thinking to do an iterative procedure that compares one tissue at a time whit others all;
For example:
the first comparison is:
the second is:
the third is:
and so on, if there are over three tissues. It's right? If this approach is wrong, How should I proceed?
Furthermore, What is the scientific difference among following example?
makeContrasts("A-(B+C)/2",contrast= A, levels=c("A","B","C"))
makeContrasts(A-B,A-C,contrast=A, levels=c("A","B","C"))
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your answer and advices. I take in account your suggestions and now I'm going to try to do an ANOVA-like comparisons, but before to ask you any possible questions I must read better the manual and reflect on comparisons that I should do.
Thanks a lot.