Dear all,
please could someone share if there is ANY RULE for making CIRCULAR PLOTS in GGBIO of ONLY CHROMOSOMAL SEGMENTS function of SEQLENGTHS :
for instance, let's consider the following GRanges object that contains the coordinates for 2 genes:
x <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr21", ranges = IRanges(c(43766466,43782390), c(43771208,43786644)), strand ="*", gene = c("TFF1","TFF2"), score = c(0,10))
size_interval <- max(end(x))-min(start(x))
seqlengths(x) <- size_interval
ggplot() + layout_circle(x, geom = "bar", fill = "red", radius = 120, trackWidth = 3, aes(y=score))
ggbio() + circle(x, geom = "bar", fill = "red", radius = 120, trackWidth = 3, aes(y=score))
How could I make the plot in such a way that is easy to visualize (it is on chr21 that has a length of approx 48 megabases, but we do not want to plot the entire chromosome .. ) thank you very much !