I extracted exon information from mm9 and then used it for featureCount. Next I used an in-built mm9 annotation of featureCount and I got less exons annotated somehow.
Extraction of exon information:
mm9 = TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene exon = exons(mm9) head(exon) length(exon) exon_ranges = ranges(exon) gene_id_exons = select(mm9, keys=as.character(exon$exon_id), columns = c("GENEID","TXNAME"), keytype = "EXONID") colnames(gene_id_exons) = c("EXONID","ENTREZID","TXNAME") symbol <- select(org.Mm.eg.db, keys=as.character(unique(gene_id_exons$ENTREZID)), keytype="ENTREZID", columns="SYMBOL") gene_id_exons = merge(gene_id_exons,symbol,all.x=T) exon_info = data.frame(START = start(exon_ranges), END = end(exon_ranges), CHR = seqnames(exon), STRAND = strand(exon),EXONID = exon$exon_id) exon_info = merge(exon_info,gene_id_exons,all.x=T) exon_info_red = data.frame(GeneID =exon_info$ENTREZID, Chr = exon_info$CHR, Start = exon_info$START, End = exon_info$END, Strand = exon_info$STRAND)
It shows me 7 exons corresponding to two different transcript of one gene 497097:
> subset(exon_info, ENTREZID == 497097) EXONID START END CHR STRAND ENTREZID TXNAME SYMBOL 14642 7584 3195985 3197398 chr1 - 497097 uc007aet.1 Xkr4 14643 7585 3203520 3205713 chr1 - 497097 uc007aet.1 Xkr4 14644 7586 3204563 3207049 chr1 - 497097 uc007aeu.1 Xkr4 14645 7587 3411783 3411982 chr1 - 497097 uc007aeu.1 Xkr4 14646 7588 3638392 3640590 chr1 - 497097 uc007aev.1 Xkr4 14647 7589 3648928 3648985 chr1 - 497097 uc007aev.1 Xkr4 14648 7590 3660633 3661579 chr1 - 497097 uc007aeu.1 Xkr4
FeatureCount with the manual exon annotation:
GTF.featureType="exon",GTF.attrType="gene_id",useMetaFeatures=FALSE, allowMultiOverlap=TRUE,isPairedEnd=FALSE,requireBothEndsMapped=FALSE, checkFragLength=FALSE,minFragLength=50,maxFragLength=600, nthreads=1,strandSpecific=0,minMQS=0, readExtension5=0,readExtension3=0,read2pos=NULL, minReadOverlap=1,countSplitAlignmentsOnly=FALSE, countMultiMappingReads=FALSE,countPrimaryAlignmentsOnly=FALSE, countChimericFragments=TRUE,ignoreDup=FALSE,chrAliases=NULL,reportReads=FALSE) manual_counts=manual$counts
FeatureCount with in-built mm9 version:
inbuilt=featureCounts(c(bam.CTCF,bam.H3K27ac),annot.inbuilt="mm9",annot.ext=NULL,isGTFAnnotationFile=FALSE, GTF.featureType="exon",GTF.attrType="tx_id",useMetaFeatures=FALSE, allowMultiOverlap=TRUE,isPairedEnd=FALSE,requireBothEndsMapped=FALSE, checkFragLength=FALSE,minFragLength=50,maxFragLength=600, nthreads=1,strandSpecific=0,minMQS=0, readExtension5=0,readExtension3=0,read2pos=NULL, minReadOverlap=1,countSplitAlignmentsOnly=FALSE, countMultiMappingReads=FALSE,countPrimaryAlignmentsOnly=FALSE, countChimericFragments=TRUE,ignoreDup=FALSE,chrAliases=NULL,reportReads=FALSE) inbuilt_counts=inbuilt$counts
When I compare the results I find out that the number of exons annotated in inbuilt version equals 3 and if I use my own annotation, all exons are annotated. What is the reason for such a behavior?
> manual_counts[which(row.names(manual_counts)=="497097"),1:3] CTCF_WNN1_828 CTCF_WNN3_8278 CTCF_WEN1_8282 497097 0 0 8 497097 0 3 5 497097 18 21 42 497097 5 0 4 497097 20 0 6 497097 1 0 0 497097 110 340 134 > inbuilt_counts[which(row.names(inbuilt_counts)=="497097"),1:3] CTCF_WNN1_828 CTCF_WNN3_8278 CTCF_WEN1_8282 497097 18 21 42 497097 5 0 4 497097 110 340 134
I have found out that only exons from a transcript uc007aeu.1 are annotated in the in-built version. Why other exons are skipped? I also posted a question regarding those three transcripts in dataset TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene shows other gene_id then genome browser.
How can I get rid of those strange speculative genes and exons from UCSC? Because otherwise they affect massively my downstream analysis. Is there Bioconductor package for RefSeq annotation with promoters, exons and genes?
No Bioconductor package for the RefSeq track but it's easy to make your own TxDb object for that:
for more information.H.
The in-built annotation included in Rsubread is built based on the RefSeq annotation. Overlapping exons from the same gene are merged into one exon in the in-built annotation. It looks like you are doing exon-level analysis since you summarized read to exons. The in-built annotation will give you more exons with larger counts to work with, as compared to the counts you get from using the original RefSeq annotation.
If you work on gene-level counts (counts for genes not for exons), the in-built annotation give you exactly the same counts as you will get from the original RefSeq annotation.
Just to clarify, transcripts in the knownGene table are linked to their Entrez Gene ids via the knownToLocusLink table. This is what this table contains for gene 497097 (Xkr4):
This explains why you see 3 transcripts instead of 1 for Xkr4 in TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene. I'm not sure why the UCSC Genome Browser only displays 1 transcript though...