I'm having some difficulty with the GenomicRanges package. Probably something simple that I'm just not seeing. I'm looking to work with some BAM files in R using the GenomicRanges package. After loading the library, I query the readGAlignments function and it does not appear to exist in the environment.
I use ls("package:GenomicRanges") to see the contents of the package and have found that it is missing classes and functions related to gapped alignments (e.g. no GAlignments-class or readGAlignments() function).
I am using R version 3.2.2, Bioconductor 2.10, GenomicRanges 1.20.8.
Thanks for any help!
Jay Duffner, Senior Scientist
Momenta Pharmaceuticals
Cambridge, MA
Starting with BioC 2.14 (released 1.5 year ago) the
functions have been moved from the GenomicRanges to the GenomicAlignments package and the documentation was modified accordingly. The currrent release of Bioconductor is BioC 3.1. Please let me know if you find places in BioC 3.1 where the documentation is inaccurate.Thanks,