So, I'd first just note that this function is mostly for simple tests within the package. I would recommend for scientific work you used a published RNA-seq simulator such as Polyester.
In the man page ?makeExampleDESeqDataSet
you have some description:
n: number of rows
m: number of columns
betaSD: the standard deviation for non-intercept betas, i.e. beta ~
interceptMean: the mean of the intercept betas (log2 scale)
interceptSD: the standard deviation of the intercept betas (log2 scale)
dispMeanRel: a function specifying the relationship of the dispersions
on ‘2^trueIntercept’
sizeFactors: multiplicative factors for each sample
But maybe even easier to understand what is going on is to look at the code, which you can (usually) obtain by typing the function name.
I highlight relevant lines with bold.
> makeExampleDESeqDataSet
function (n = 1000, m = 12, betaSD = 0, interceptMean = 4, interceptSD = 2,
dispMeanRel = function(x) 4/x + 0.1, sizeFactors = rep(1,
beta <- cbind(rnorm(n, interceptMean, interceptSD), rnorm(n,
0, betaSD))
dispersion <- dispMeanRel(2^(beta[, 1]))
colData <- DataFrame(condition = factor(rep(c("A", "B"),
times = c(ceiling(m/2), floor(m/2)))))
x <- if (m > 1) {
else {
cbind(rep(1, m), rep(0, m))
mu <- t(2^(x %*% t(beta)) * sizeFactors)
countData <- matrix(rnbinom(m * n, mu = mu, size = 1/dispersion),
ncol = m)
mode(countData) <- "integer"
colnames(countData) <- paste("sample", 1:m, sep = "")
rowRanges <- GRanges("1", IRanges(start = (1:n - 1) * 100 +
1, width = 100))
names(rowRanges) <- paste0("gene", 1:n)
design <- if (m > 1) {
as.formula("~ condition", env = .GlobalEnv)
else {
as.formula("~ 1", env = .GlobalEnv)
object <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countData, colData = colData,
design = design, rowRanges = rowRanges)
trueVals <- DataFrame(trueIntercept = beta[, 1], trueBeta = beta[,
2], trueDisp = dispersion)
mcols(trueVals) <- DataFrame(type = rep("input", ncol(trueVals)),
description = c("simulated intercept values", "simulated beta values",
"simulated dispersion values"))
mcols(object) <- cbind(mcols(object), trueVals)
<environment: namespace:DESeq2>