I'm using the script analyze_diff_expr.pl (trinity script), and I'm getting the following error:
> library(qvalue) Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object '~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/stringi/libs/stringi.so': libicui18n.so.55: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Error: package or namespace load failed for 'qvalue' Execution halted Error, cmd: R --vanilla -q < my_TPM_diffexpression.matrix.R died with ret 256 at ~/liaguiro/Trinityrnaseq2.2/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/PtR line 1599. Error, Error, cmd: ~/Trinityrnaseq2.2/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/PtR -m ~/my_trinity_run/my_TPM_diffexpression.matrix --log2 --heatmap --min_colSums 0 --min_rowSums 0 --gene_dist euclidean --sample_dist euclidean --sample_cor_matrix --center_rows --save -s ~/my_trinity_run/my_deseq2/my_trt_info.txt died with ret 6400 at ~/Trinityrnaseq2.2/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/analyze_diff_expr.pl line 267.
I'm getting this error after I qsub this job because running this job from my command prompt exceeded the limit memory on the headnodes. When I run this job from my command prompt I didn't get the error above.
When I tried to specify the path to stringe.so , it didn't worked either. export PATH=/homes/liaguiro/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/stringi/libs/stringe.so:$PATH
What should I do? Do you know how to fix this problem?